Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Morning Glory

There have been a lot ideas hanging around my head these past few days, but i havent found the time or the will to write something. Writing is a craft that needs practice, and I have been wanting in this aspect for a long time. I have to force myself into beginning this post & hopefully finish it.

Im in my second day of my morning shift, and while i welcome the chance of sleeping at night, I found it difficult to do so. More that 2 years of GY shift has made me into a daysleeper. Hopefully my body clock would adjust itself and make me sleep better at night.

I bought a book last Monday. Neil Galman's Smoke & Mirrors. I have been intrigued by this author for some time now. He's been described as literature's rock star and I know his work is similar to Stephen King's & Lovecraft's. Whilst I am not a fan of either one- I would rather watch a movie adaptation of a Stephen King novel, and I reading a collection of Lovecraft's short stories gave a headache with all his elaborate style of writing- I decided to buy the book because the author has been compared to Edgar Allan Poe, one of my favorite writers of all time.
Besides, I have an ulterior motive in doing so. I want to write my first book review have it published at The same website where the girl i met recently has been publishing her works.

I dont plan on writing as much as she does. My taste is quite different from hers. I grew up reading a staple of John Steinbeck, Ernest Hemingway & Poe. Which just shows how old I am.
Which brings to mind my conversation with my new supervisor. He was surprised to know that at one time I studied in the same university as he did.

"Really? What year?" he asked. I cant forget the look on his face when I told him 1995-1996. It turns out he was just still in grade school at that time. He was even more surprised to know that I've just turned 31. I looked younger than that, he said. Well, it wasnt always like that. When I was younger, people thought I was older. "But its good that now you're age matches your looks." I thought there was a compliment somewhere in that statement but it was lost in the peculiarity of the conversation. :-p

Ive been spending more time online now. And the first two websites I go to are farmville in facebook & the Girl's blog. Ive been leaving comments on her posts anonymously but I suspect she knows its me. Later on I will reveal my identity but for now Im just glad to have communication with her. Since she rarely returns my text messages.

My younger sister finally went home last Tuesday. Her vacation was extended for a few days after she missed her flight last Saturday. Naiwanan ng eroplano!!! I know that sounds funny but the additional expense & complications is not a laughing matter. She had to buy another ticket at a much higher rate & had to be absent from work since we only have flights thrice a week to our hometown.She was really upset by the situation & somehow my brotherly instincts were awakened. Hehehe. We spent hours in the internet until she was too tired to think about what happened. The next day we watched District 9. It was a good movie but I dont want to write about it. Besides, my pumpkins need harvesting.

Hopefully I get to sleep as soon as i get home. Its nice to know that I have my room all by myself again. I have really gotten used to living alone. And I say that without any tinge of sadness at all.

1 comment:

  1. Tip: you must never force yourself to blog just so you'll have an entry for the day :) If you do, you'll find it tiring. I think it's best to find the inspiration first (and we're not talking about the "girl" - this is in general). And then blog from the heart :) If you don't feel like it then skip it. Maybe go out and away from computer and then come back all inspired again :)
