Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Fools Rush In...

Was it just a dream? Did I see something that really wasnt there? I find it hard believe that It was just wistful thinking.

We believe what we want to believe, a famous thinker said.

Last Sundy I did something I havent done in a very long time. Yet I felt at ease, as if it wasnt something new. Like we've done this many times before. Like it was just what we've been doing at any given Sunday.

She even watched me play chess. Any other girl would probably chose to look for shoes or bags or any other trinkets that fascinate the fairer sex. And when she turned to go, I stood and walked away with her. Any other time I would have played until I have nothing left. Or until the place closes for the night. Any other time I would not have left at the heat of battle.

Yes,chess is a battle. Were kings imposing our will against each other. With outmost concentration we slaughter each other's wooden men until only one king is left standing. You either leave the table with victory or defeat that stays with you long after the game is over.

But that Sunday the outcome of the game didnt matter. As she turned to go and pray, I sent her a message, like a whisper borne by unseen electronic winds. "Include me in your prayers," I said.

As I rode towards the sunset to a dark room and a lonely bed, I wasnt feeling tired or weary as I should. I was feeling too good for that. I am just glad to be alive.

Everyone becomes a poet when love enters their heart, a famous thinker said. A cynic friend would say Love is such a big word. If I see him now I would tell him, Its not my fault God has sealed your heart.


  1. I remember that quote. I don't remember who though... Plato ba? "At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet" something like that.

  2. Yes, it was Plato. I seem to have a qoute for evrything. Cant help it. Im a sucker for poetry.
