Monday, November 23, 2009


I went jogging earlier tonight. It was something I have been thinking about doing for a long time, and although my clock said I was gone for just about half an hour, I was glad I did.

I am not a fan of prolonged jogging, or marathon-like running. I am more of a sprinter, like my Dad. I would run for around 100 to 200 meters, walk to catch my breath, start running again when I get bored, stop when I get breathless, then start walking again. This run-walk routine works for me. I always feel good afterwards. I was looking forward to a sound and restful sleep tonight.

That notion left my head as I watched the news while having my dinner. It's a shocking news that is now known as the Maguindanao Massacre. I don't know how to begin talking about. I am almost dumfounded. I spent the better part of the evening txting with my sister.

This is what I gathered. An incumbent municipal vice-mayor who is planning to run for Governor in the same province next year sent his wife, his two sisters, and a party of female supporters and some media people to file his candidacy. This decision is primarily to avoid confrontation with the rival candidate whose hometown the Governor's office is located in. According to media reports, the entire delegation was abducted by 100 armed men from the rival party, and as of news time tonight 21 bodies have been recovered. 13 females, 8 males. The death toll, already staggering, is expected to rise. Reports indicate that they were more than 40 persons abducted, including about a dozen media people.

Its a henious gruesome crime. The candidate whose wife was confirmed to be among the dead, apparently underestimated his opponent's coldbloodedness. Who would be so ruthless to kill unarmed, defenseless women? And how do you even begin to slaughter 40 innocent civilians?

I am from that place. Its just right beyond my mother's former farmland. right beyond the river that marks the boundary between the two towns. It is the place where we used to spend my summers as a child. I know the politics in the region. I know the political figures there are ruthless. Still I could hardly comprehend this madness. It is madness, senseless madness. I am enraged, disgusted, and saddened at the same time. How could they do that? How could they?