Tuesday, November 10, 2009

1.30am in my room

Fixing A Broken Heart

Lately I have seriously considered quitting smoking and going to the gym again. I have noticed that I have difficulty breathing sometimes. Not the asthmatic type of breathing, but a shallow unhurried type of breathing like I am about to sleep. And I did this while I was waiting in line inside the CD-R King store in SM. The experience made we feel slightly claustrophobic. I wanted to break into a run, the kind of running that leaves you breathless and gasping for air at the end of it.

I think it is a combination of my smoking habit and the lack of physical exertion that has made my lungs weak. Our bodies adapt to the exercises we put it through to grow stronger. In my case, it seems the lack of exercise has caused my breathing muscles to deteriorate. I have no more need to breathe heavily, just enough to draw cigarette smoke, really.

These past nights though I have found myself having difficulty breathing for a totally different reason. I still find it difficult to sleep. I manage to keep my mind off my emotional troubles during the day. Mafia wars, spankwire, and chess online help me keep myself preoccupied. It is when I lay down to sleep and everything is quiet that my troubles come to hunt me. Then I feel my heavy heart pressing down on me and I cannot breathe. Sometimes it becomes unbearable that I have to get up and find something to do. Like what I am doing now.

Does coping with a failed relationship have to be this difficult? If I remember right, the stages to coping with a loss are Denial, Depression, Anger, and Acceptance. Maybe Anger comes before Depression. Who cares? What I know is that I am miserable and although it is not my nature to rant about things it seems to me that I am incapable of doing anything else right now.

Lian said I am in Denial. I told her I am accepted things as they are and I will be fine. Maybe that is also part of my denial. I can say I am not hoping that this is just temporary and that she will have a change of heart and we will be happy together again. But who am I trying to convince?

Its oddly similar to Catch 22. A crazy person doesn’t know he’s crazy, therefore he cannot claim insanity. Perhaps a person in denial doesn’t know he’s in denial.


  1. "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

    Also maybe you should buy a TV, the kind that can be programmed to sleep. It will kill the silence in the room while you try to go to sleep, hehe. I know that sounds lame, but my TV helped me a lot. I learned to fall asleep while the TV was on.

    You should also start hanging out with friends, and positive people :)

  2. i used to think i am a positive person. i guess i still am. my glass is always half full. even if its not half full, at least its not empty.

    people notice the change in my demeanor. i always was the clown, always cracking jokes or witty comments on the floor. now i am mostly a foreboding presence.

    i know this is just a phase i have to go through. i'll get over it. i always have. thank you for at least caring. its nice to know someone understands and cares.

  3. did you see the pictures i posted on my facebook? i am having fun. my high school friends are on it.
