Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Mine Is Not So Big but...


Finally, i have my own personal computer. Its so cute. Its cpu is white with blue sidings. It is really cute ( i had to say it again. :-p)

I think Im going to call it Deep Blue- named after the IBM computer that defeated Kasparov in a chess match some time back.

My PC has an Asus cpu with Pentium 4 processor running at 2.0 Ghertz and 480 Mb of RAM. I honestly don't know what that means but it sounds so cool to say it. :-p

Seriously, if its good enough to run multiple tabs of an internet browser, windows media player, and a Java applet for playing chess, I'm fine with with it. I am not into pc gaming anyway.

The 14" crt monitor is considerably smaller than what I'm accustomed to but it will do for now.I'm planning to replace it with a Samsung LCD monitor. I already found what I want in SM. I guess i have to wait for my yearend bonus before I buy one. Maybe they will have a sale by then (I hope!).

The speakers that Jopert gave me also need replacing. CDR-King's speakers are just not up to my standards.I wouldnt enjoy listening to my favorite Eheads and Rivermaya songs with these speakers.

I cant wait to have my own internet connection. I hope i get online very very soon. Like, in the next 24 hours. I can hardly wait. There's so much downloading I want to do.

I remember when i went to Bantayan Island with my gf. I rented a motorcycle for a day. It was my first time to drive a motorcyle.My gf said I was like a boy who's got a new toy. I cant take the grin off my face. I think I am feeling like that now.

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