Saturday, October 24, 2009

Internet Wars

Its quickly becoming a pain in the neck. This business of getting online is getting more complicated than I previously expected.

I finally decided to avail of Globe's broadband package because I thought a line is better than a wireless internet service. I’ve heard enough complaints about poor internet service to try going wireless.

I rejected PLDT’s offer because at a similar price, it comes with a telephone line but with a lower speed ( 384 kbps max compared to Globe’s 1Mbps max).I don’t need landline since I already have a postpaid plan with Sun Cellular and my sim packs from Globe and Smart are often simultaneously signed up for unlimited txt or calls.

Its expensive, I know. That is the price of keeping in touch with friends who refuse to communicate unless you’re using the same network as theirs.

Earlier today I was informed by a Globe representative that a line is not viable in my location. He offered me Wi-Max instead. Apparently it is Globe’s response to Smart Bro. Another wireless internet connection.

He said it would take an extra hundred meters of wire than it previously took to install my housemate’s net service. I found that hard to believe since my housemate lives in the room next to mine.

The guy explained in jargon that they had to connect to another line further down the road since the one used previously is already full.

I feel shortchanged. And I don’t like it.

My landlady compounded the situation by telling me that if I have my own internet connection I should also have my own energy sub-meter to monitor my electricity consumption.

I have just acquired my computer recently and I am still about to buy an AVR or UPS. And CD-R King doesn’t accept credit cards. Now I also have to buy my own kuntador.

I am getting cash strapped right now.

I wonder if the lead sentence of my next blog would read: “Amidst mounting costs, Blitzking’s love affair with the internet came to a sudden and abrupt end.”

Its not even funny.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Mine Is Not So Big but...


Finally, i have my own personal computer. Its so cute. Its cpu is white with blue sidings. It is really cute ( i had to say it again. :-p)

I think Im going to call it Deep Blue- named after the IBM computer that defeated Kasparov in a chess match some time back.

My PC has an Asus cpu with Pentium 4 processor running at 2.0 Ghertz and 480 Mb of RAM. I honestly don't know what that means but it sounds so cool to say it. :-p

Seriously, if its good enough to run multiple tabs of an internet browser, windows media player, and a Java applet for playing chess, I'm fine with with it. I am not into pc gaming anyway.

The 14" crt monitor is considerably smaller than what I'm accustomed to but it will do for now.I'm planning to replace it with a Samsung LCD monitor. I already found what I want in SM. I guess i have to wait for my yearend bonus before I buy one. Maybe they will have a sale by then (I hope!).

The speakers that Jopert gave me also need replacing. CDR-King's speakers are just not up to my standards.I wouldnt enjoy listening to my favorite Eheads and Rivermaya songs with these speakers.

I cant wait to have my own internet connection. I hope i get online very very soon. Like, in the next 24 hours. I can hardly wait. There's so much downloading I want to do.

I remember when i went to Bantayan Island with my gf. I rented a motorcycle for a day. It was my first time to drive a motorcyle.My gf said I was like a boy who's got a new toy. I cant take the grin off my face. I think I am feeling like that now.

Friday, October 16, 2009

The Anxious Wait

"Dalawang tulog na lng!"

Now, if you're a normal human being with a non-call center lifestyle that means two more nights before the big day. I cannot even define what that means for me because people in my line of work dont have a regular sleeping pattern.

My friends sleep at different hours though we may have a common work schedule beginning at 3 am. Some sleep right after shift as soon as they get home. Some sleep very early in the evening. And some try to cram as much sleep as they can right before shift. That's what I do. Its common for me to sleep just a little more than 2 or 3 hours before sleep. Then Ill nap for 30-40 minutes during lunch. This routine works for me, but there are days I feel like a walking zombie ready to fall down at the slightest gust of wind.

What's really getting me all excited is that I will finally have my own computer come Monday. My friend Jopert agreed to assemble a computer for me. I'm very very anxious to see what he can come up with such a limited budget. Im already planning to get my own internet connection so that I can spend as much time online as I want and not worry about the cost. And I can do it at the comfort of my own room.

I can hardly wait.

One more shift tomorrow and I get to have one rest day.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


I remember when I was a young boy
Nothing really ever mattered to me
I would take each day as it came my way
You know children live for the moment

I remember the first girl I kissed
I remember when grandma insisted i came inside
When she'd say come in for the night
You know tomorrow will be another day

Do you remember when youth used to be a friend
Do you remember when comfort was
in never understanding
Comfort was in never understanding

Do you know what i mean?

Do you remember the way that it used to be?
Full of innocence, so alive, life was carefree
Tt was so good then, hangin' out with your best friend
You float wherever you wanted to

Do you remember your first true love?
Do you ever wonder if she ever
thinks of the times when you
used to walk home from school
And say tomorrow will be another day

Come along to the place we once lived
Touch the things that made us happy
Find the child that lives within

Come along

You know it's alright to go back there
Touch the things that made us happy
Look for the days that were so fair

Come along

And you know that it goes without sayin'
There's a child deep inside always playin'

There's a child always playing

-Color Me Badd..I dont know the title

Saturday, October 3, 2009

mafia wars

some events that made me rediscover the internet: i met a girl who writes for and also blogs- she inspired me to blog too. a friend was late for 3 hours later on he discreetly told me he had to harvest his crops at 8.30 while our work starts at 6:00 - that started me in farmville. i found a group of my batch mates in high school- that started me chatting in facebook.

i find it amazing that i didn't do these things a few months ago. but then i didnt need to. now i am spending up to 5 hours a day in the various internet cafes in the neighborhood. there's even a cafe that allows smoking inside.

i have outgrown farmville. i found the motions of planting and harvesting slow and repetitive. not so in mafia wars. it is more complicated and more addictive. i found myself developing strategy in using limited resources and getting the most out of it. there's a lot of factors to consider, like health and stamina for fighting, energy for doing jobs, and influence for doing business. Also you have to choose what job to do, who to fight and choosing between aiming for more money, influence or special items that you want.

i know its cliche to say mafia wars is addicting. i even coined a word for it: "addciting" its the thrill of accumulating more money, property and power. nevermind if its imaginary. there are a lot of people online who also value these things and you can fight them all for the same. mafia wars has taken over my internet life. enough said.